Oregon's Leading Commercial and Residential Painting Company For Over 20 Years!
Residential Painting
Raynor Painting specializes in both exterior and interior residential painting. Each project begins with proper planning and surface preparations and ends with a beautiful, long-lasting finished product.
What types of homes do you work on?
We have painting solutions to match every home, budget and lifestyle. There is no project too big or too small for us to take on. Click here to contact us for a free estimate to find out more.
What products do you use?
Depending on the project, we use either Benjamin Moore, Sherwin-Williams, Miller or Rodda paint.
Interested in seeing how a particular paint color would look in your exact space?
Check out this color visualization tool offered by Sherwin-Williams.
Do you offer payment plans?
Unlike many painting companies, we DO offer payment plans. You can learn more about them when you request a free estimate by clicking here.